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Compuprint 9065n Dot Matrix Printer Parallel and NIC
Compuprint 9065n Dot Matrix Printer Parallel and NIC
Compuprint 9065n Dot Matrix Printer with Parallel and NIC connetivity
List Price: $2,373.00
Our Price: $2,049.00
Sale Price: $2,049.00
You save $324.00!

Product Code: PRTN965N

Description Technical Specs Overview

The Compuprint 9065n is designed to meet the most demanding requirements of today’s applications while offering unmatched performance in Windows and graphic printing environments. The ideal solution for mission critical requirements, with the full flexibility to support a variety of forms and documents.

Connectivity: Parallel and Network

FAST Print Speeds:

  • 600 PPH (page per hour)

  • 290 LPM (lines per minute)

  • 800 Million characters Print Head life
Compuprint 9065n dot matrix printer handles up to eight part continuous forms and includes automatic print head gap adjustment for precise printing, Automatic fanfold positioning (zero tear-off) and Automatic paper parking of continuous forms.
Connectivity: Parallel and NIC included
Emulations include: Epson ESC/P LQ Series, IBM Proprinter XL24, IBM Personal Printer 2391, ANSI, Compuprint native commands
Resident Fonts include: Draft, Courier, Gothic, Prestige, Present, Script, OCR-A, OCR-B
10 cpi 12 cpi 15 cpi
650 780 900
Best Draft
400 480 600
267 320 400
133 160 200

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